Thank you for visiting!
Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support UCLA Quidditch by clicking here.
Use the levitation spell to raise our total sum by $5! You'll also get a shoutout on our Facebook page, . (a fully tax-deductible gift)
We'll mail you a personalized thank-you card signed by the whole team! (fully tax deductible)
Terrify one of the UCLA Quidditch Players by having them pied in the face! We will upload a video on our Facebook page for the world to see-- just make sure to name the player you want pied in your donation by making your gift 'in their honor'. (a fully-tax deductible gift)
We'll mail you a UCLA quidditch t-shirt! We'll reach out to you once the campaign has ended to ask about your preferred design and size. (a $15 tax-deductible gift)
Do you miss the old UCLA Quidditch jerseys? Then don't miss this special opportunity to take one home! Disclaimer: it may still contain particles of sweat from the last player who wore it. (A $50 tax-deductible gift)
We will bring our equipment to you and teach your private group how to play quidditch! We teach kids ("kidditch"), adults, and do birthday parties! Please reach out in advance for more details. Must be within 35-mile radius of UCLA. If you are out of this range, please email us at and we can discuss your situation. (A $238 tax-deductible gift)
This perk is for the most magical among us! We want to thank you for being so interested in sponsoring our team! You'll receive a special shout-out and personalized thank you video on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts for your generous contribution. (A fully tax-deductible gift)
Two great perks for the price of one! You get: 1. The team will volunteer at the Los Angeles-based organization of your choice for the WHOLE day! 2. A UCLA quidditch t-shirt (A $919 tax-deductible gift).