Please make a donation to help us reach our participation goal of 75 gifts from our alumni community through this campaign ending June 30. Support our students and teachers and ensure our innovative work makes an impact!
The Alumni Circle Fund supports UCLA Lab School’s commitment to provide access to a diverse community of students and promotes its mission-driven work. Directed toward tuition support and public engagement efforts, your donations ensure that UCLA Lab School’s innovative work is shared outward for the benefit of students and teachers throughout our city and beyond, as it has been for 140 years.
As members of the UCLA Lab School community, we are all part of a powerful legacy of shaping the future of education.
By making a donation to the UCLA Lab School Alumni Circle Fund, you offer a vote of confidence in a school that extends a joyful learning environment to each and every student, that values research and advances in teaching, that fosters a diverse student population with a proven commitment to inclusion and to education that advances social justice. Alumni of Seeds or UES or UCLA Lab School will remember the wonder of our campus too!
To mark our school’s 140 year anniversary and 75 years on Corinne A. Seeds Campus at UCLA, we pay homage to architects Robert Alexander and Richard Neutra and to our pioneering principal Corinne A. Seeds, in appreciation of the campus they designed so thoughtfully in the modern tradition for our unique, cooperative and inclusive teaching and learning style. Their work has been a gift to all students who have called Corinne A. Seeds campus ‘my school’ and all those students from generations to come.
Please make a donation to help us reach of our participation goal of 75 gifts from our alumni community through this campaign ending June 30. Support our students and teachers and ensure our innovative work makes an impact!
Other payment options are available and those gifts may be counted towards our Spark participation goal of 75 gifts if they are received during the timeline of the campaign.
Please make checks out to the 'UCLA Foundation' including a note that your gift is intended for the ‘Lab School Alumni Circle Fund.’ Please send to the following address:
UCLA Foundation
PO Box 7145
Pasadena, CA 91109-9903
For other ways to give, contact Alyna Carter, Assistant Director of Development at UCLA Lab School:
Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments.
Looking forward to school year 2022-2023! All donations to the Alumni Circle Fund will be used during school year 2022-2023. Every dollar matters!
Each year, UCLA Lab School to offers tuition support to the families of 40% of our students. We are proud of our diverse and inclusive community.
2022 marks 75 years on the Corinne A. Seeds campus at UCLA! Donate to celebrate Corinne A. Seeds and in honor of the campus we all love and cherish.
We honor the rich history of UCLA Lab School and all those students and educators that came before us. UCLA Lab School was founded in 1882. This year, we celebrate our 140 year anniversary! Make a donation of any size and say hi to an old friend from Lab School or UES via the donor wall.
Our teachers are the greatest gift. Make a donation of any size and recognize a teacher that has made a difference during your time at UCLA Lab School or UES. Share via the donor wall.
Go above and beyond to support our students and our important public engagement work!