Chinese American Culture Night is an annual stage production hosted by the Association of Chinese Americans at UCLA (ACA). It is held in the Prestigious Royce Hall and free for all to attend. Over 100 students put in countless hours of practice and rehearsal to put on a show for over 1000 members of the community. CACN utilizes performances by ACA Hip-hop, Chinese Cultural Dance Club, UCLA Wushu, ACA Lion Dance and ACA Drama to educate the greater community on relevant issues that affect us all today and to promote Chinese American Cultural Awareness on and beyond the UCLA campus.
CACN是一場由UCLA華美學生會(ACA)舉辦的年度盛宴。這場演出將在富麗堂皇的Royce Hall舉行,並免費對外開放。我們ACA的100餘名社團成員將通過認真努力的訓練和彩排,為周邊社區的千餘名觀眾呈現一場精彩的演出。 CACN將會邀請ACA嘻哈社、中國文化舞蹈社(CCDC)、UCLA武術社、ACA舞獅社以及ACA劇社來參與演出,並促進美籍華人的文化意識在UCLA以及周邊社區的傳播。
This year, we present the story of a young man’s struggle to find his identity as he tries to balance his past and present upon illegally immigrating to America in the early 1900s, a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act banned Chinese immigration to the United States. Through this man's journey, CACN 2017 explores the topics of the appreciation of family and the miscommunication between generations.
今年我們將帶給觀眾一個年輕人在20世紀初,當美國正在實行排華法例時非法移民至美國的故事。他試圖利用自己的過去與現狀重新認清自己的身份。通過這個故事,我們 希望探討感恩家庭以及代溝的主題。
ACA Hip Hop is a competitive dance team based at UCLA, comprised of dancers who share a love for all styles of dance and performance. We are a family that values and encourages dedication, teamwork, and growth. With all the late nights dancing in parking lots while balancing jobs, extracurriculars, and rigorous academics, our dancers achieve the discipline and work ethic that will make them influential leaders in the community. The skills we learn and the strong friendships we make contribute to how ACA Hip Hop has become a supportive network that goes beyond just the dancing. With this foundation in our professionalism and love for each other, we hope to inspire and be inspired as we continue to strengthen our presence in the dance community.
The Chinese Cultural Dance Club is dedicated to the spreading of Chinese culture at UCLA and in the surrounding community by providing a variety of free classical and ethnic Chinese dance lessons to anyone who wishes to learn. As a performance group, we work hard to provide professional-quality exhibitions to properly represent the rich cultural history and significance of each dance we showcase.
The UCLA Wushu club is an an official UCLA sport club that aims to promote the spirit of Wushu. The club teaches students a variety of martial elements styled from Kung Fu and Tai Chi. Each member learns a blend of strength, agility, and flexibility to showcase a perspective beyond brute combat. Ultimately, the club serves to embody and promote the spirit of Chinese martial arts, while creating a safe and fun environment for college students to relieve stress by practicing wushu.
The Chinese lion dance team at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is affiliated with the Association of Chinese Americans (ACA) student organization. Founded in 2001 originally as an aspect for ACA's Chinese American Culture Night (CACN), the continued growth of the team allows us to entertain and perform at many locales and celebrations in the Los Angeles area.
CACN utilizes drama to tell a story that highlights relevant issues and struggles facing the Chinese American community today. Several actors and actresses audition for a role in CACN's Drama Aspect. Those given a role put in countless hours of rehearsal to effectively deliver a performance that will impact so many people.
CACN is an event completely free for UCLA students and members of the general community to attend. To keep the event free, we must fundraise to cover all the costs associated with putting on the production. This includes the costs for costumes, props, food, marketing, and most importantly the Venue. In total, the production costs over $30,000, with the venue alone costing over $25,000. All students involved in the production volunteer their time to make this happen, meaning nobody is making money and nobody is getting paid. We continue to make this a free event as we recognize the importance of raising cultural awareness and we ask you, the community, for support. All donations made to our production are tax deductible!
On behalf of the Association of Chinese Americans at UCLA, we thank you for your continued support. Without your generosity, programs like CACN could not exist! Thank you!
We know how your wallet feels, so it means even that much more when y'all donate. We'll thank you on Facebook!
----------Other $10 Perks include:-----------
+ David teaches you Chinese: 10 Offers
+ Dan will drive you wherever you want (15 mile radius): 8 Offers
+ Rochelle or Annie or Daniel will drive you to LAX: 20 Offers
+ Sirena will teach you basic Japanese: 10 Offers
+ Dan will become your UberEats deliveryman: 2 Offers
+ Michael C. will give you a 30 min massage: 10 Offers
+ Jenny will make you baked goods: 8 Offers
+ Jing H. will swipe 2 times on the hill: 10 Offers
+ Sam will edit your history essay for you: 5 Offers
+ Sam will deliver Korean Food to you: 5 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $9)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
----------Other $10 Perks include:-----------
+ Sydney will paint your fingernails: 5 Offers
+ Amy will cook/bake for you if you provide the ingredient: 8 Offers
+ Tesia will help you with your resume/cover letter: 5 Offers
+ Jennifer will deliver Rende/BCafe/1919 to your room: 5 Offers
+ Jeremy will draw anime/manga: 5 Offers
+ Priscilla will dye your hair (dye not included): 5 offers
+ Lilly will make you a small painting/drawing: 6 Offers
+ Emily will help you with your room decor: 5 Offers
+ Emily will have a 30-45min gym session with you: 5 Offers
+ J.R will be lifting buddy for the day: 10 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $9)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
----------Other $10 Perks include:-----------
+ Maya will act out any scene from a movie or show: 4 Offers
+ Michelle Xu will make you a pack of hand-drawn motivational quotes: 8 Offers
+ Rochelle will make you mango pudding or banana bread: 5 Offers
+ Maya will make you ramen and let you rant to her: 8 Offers
+ Doreen will swipe you twice: 5 Offers
+ Laze will let you tea and chill in his room: 5 Offers
+ Clifford will make you peach cobbler: 3 Offers
+ Jeremy will serenade you with his guitar: 5 Offers
+ Kristen will give you confidence boost-compliments for a day: 5 Offers
+ Kristen will make you rice krispy sushi roll: 5 Offers
+ Kevin will give you 2 swipes: 6 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $9)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
+ Jing W. will do your makeup for graduation photos: 8 Offers
+ David will drive you to the airport: 3 Offers
+ Lilly can help you photoshop/edit pictures: 10 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $13)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
+ Tesia will cook you food and eat with you (if you want) or take you out for food in LA: 3 Offers
+ Jennifer will go to your lecture and take notes for you: 3 Offers
+ Gina will play a short version Stay with Me or Eyes Nose Lips on the violin
+ JR will make you a mix from 10-15 songs: 5 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $19)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
+ Michael D. will do a photoshoot (3 touched up photos, 1 hour): 3 Offers
+ Michael D. will help you build/upgrade your computer: 2 Offers
+ Jenny will do a photoshoot (1 hour max): 2 Offers
+ Jing H. will do your makeup: 5 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $24)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
+ Michelle Xu will do a 1 hour photography session: 4 Offers
+ Lilly will make you custom painted canvas sneakers: 2 Offers
(A tax deductible gift of $29)
If you wish to purchase someone's perk, please donate "In the Honor of (person's name)"
Thank you for supporting our production! We want everybody to know about your kind donation, so we will publicly thank you on social media and have your name put on CACN's program and website.
--------Other $50 Perks include:-------
An eighth page of ad space.
(A tax deductible gift of $49)
Thank you for your kind contribution to this year's cultural production. To thank you, we would like to include all the above listed perks, an eighth page of ad space, and a physical Thank You letter!
(A tax deductible gift of $74)
Every dollar of your contribution will be stretched to its fullest potential! We would like to give you the above perks, a quarter page of ad space in our program, and a personalized Thank You video.
------------Other $150 Perks include:------------
Half page of ad space
(A tax deductible gift of $149)
It is because of your generous donation that we are able to make our production possible. We would like to give you all the above perks, and a half a page of ad space.
(A tax deductible gift of $199)
You are now an Bronze Sponsor of CACN. You will receive 4 VIP tickets to our show, a full page of colored ad space in our program, and your company/corporation's logo on our website, flyers, and posters. (A tax deductible gift of $480)
You are now a Silver Sponsor of CACN. You will receive the perks listed above, 6 VIP tickets, recognition in our YouTube videos and teasers, and your name and logo on our CACN T-Shirts. (A tax deductible gift of $770)
You are now a Gold Sponsor of CACN. You will receive the all benefits listed above, 10 VIP tickets, your company's banner or poster hung up the night of the event along with informational booth space at our venue, special mention at our show, and we will distribute any marketing materials you may have on UCLA campus. (A tax deductible gift of $950)